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Final Year Project

Continuing on from my final year dissertation AdDressing Refugees, I chose to pursue my research and analysis into the project phase.


Tarot cards; sometimes what I witnessed was hard to digest (emotionally challenging), so trying to put one word to each photo, helped remedy my writer's block.

There is also an element of fate, so this became one of my themes / inspirations (Clotho; the Greek Goddess who spun the thread of life.).


Why 'Added'? This was the word uttered by a refugee under the bridge in Vintimille; he said he wanted to be an "added value'' to his host country.


Working with a refugee boys home, we did art therapy workshops, which led to some of the inspirations for a what could be a clothing line.


I tried to imagine 'Added' as a clothing designer would, and looked at the whole ecosystem involved. 

This included magazine covers, where each refugee would be given a role and an interview and would be on equal footing with local volunteers.

This also included 'pop-up shop' models with different themes, representing the refugees's rich cultural heritage.


NB: Out of respect for the refugees encountered, their photos were only displayed during my project (internally) and are not published online.

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